ThermAll Heating, Cooling & Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Yakima’

Oh No! What’s That Sound Coming From Your Heater?

Monday, January 27th, 2025

Unusual sounds coming from your heater can feel very alarming. You know that something is wrong with your heater – but what exactly is it? Other times you may hear quieter or less obvious sounds that don’t seem as alarming, yet they’re equally serious.

Keep reading to learn about some common heater sounds that mean you need to call and schedule an appointment for heating repair in Yakima, WA. Then give our team a call for your service to ensure that loud noises don’t cause a total heater breakdown. 

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4 Signs You Need an Electrical Upgrade

Monday, December 16th, 2024

If you have an older home, an electrical upgrade may be in your near future. The older your home is, the more likely it is that you need a new electrical panel. This is because older homes are simply not equipped to meet the demands of modern technology.

With more things to plug in, you need an electrical panel that offers both functionality and safety as top priorities. You can keep reading to learn more about electrical repairs in Yakima and when you might need a whole new electrical system. Then give our team a call to schedule a service appointment for your in-home assessment to determine exactly what needs to be done.

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Do You Need to Schedule Indoor Air Quality Testing for Carbon Monoxide?

Monday, November 18th, 2024

It’s completely normal to be concerned about your home’s indoor air quality, especially if you have gas lines. Testing for carbon monoxide is important whether or not you actually have gas appliances, although active appliances do increase your risks. Gas lines can still leak and leave you breathing in harmful carbon monoxide gas even if they sit unused.

Even if you have carbon monoxide detectors in place, it is a good idea to schedule carbon monoxide testing in Yakima, WA regularly. Whether you are concerned about a faulty HVAC system or storing your cars in the garage during the winter season, our team can assuage your concerns and even offer tips for reducing the chances of carbon monoxide in your home.

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3 Common Furnace Repairs and the Signs of Each One

Monday, October 7th, 2024

As we head into fall and winter, your furnace will be crucial and keeping your home warm and your family comfortable. It’s a good idea to stay ahead of any problems by identifying the signs of common furnace problems so you can address them sooner rather than later if they impact your system.

Just give our team a call to schedule a furnace repair in Yakima, WA. Even if you’re not exactly sure what’s wrong, our team can troubleshoot and offer a solution. If nothing else, you’ll have peace of mind that your furnace is working great for the cooler months ahead. 

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Whole-House Surge Protectors: Why You Need One

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Surge protectors are designed to protect your home against sudden power surges that could damage electronics and appliances. Power surges even leave you at risk for electrical fires. While you can invest in surge protectors for individual outlets, it’s better to have a whole-house solution in place.

You can keep reading to learn more about how a whole-house surge protector is better than smaller individual protectors. Then give our team a call when you’re ready to schedule an installation for a whole-home surge protector in Yakima, WA.

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Are You Completing These AC Maintenance Steps?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Did you know that there are care steps you need to complete regularly for your air conditioner? You may be aware that changing the air filter out monthly is one of the steps. But there are several other things that you need to be doing for your AC outside of scheduling professional air conditioning service in Yakima, WA.

You can keep reading to learn more about some maintenance steps that you should be completing for your air conditioner and why each one is so important. There are major benefits to keeping up with regular maintenance and some serious risks that you take if you do not complete the steps. If you have any questions about how you should be performing maintenance, you can always give us a call and we are happy to help out.

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The Best Upgrade You’ll Make This Summer: Central AC

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

For many years, people have consistently chosen central air conditioners over window AC units when given the choice. But that’s the problem: due to the sheer installation cost of a central air conditioner, many people just don’t get to make that choice. They end up pulling out their window cooling units every spring and dealing with the consequences.

However, central air conditioners in Yakima, WA, might be more expensive to install, but they can actually be pretty affordable to run consistently. And, depending on the layout of your home and your lifestyle, you might be a lot better off with a central AC than with a window unit.

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Schedule AC Maintenance This Spring: Here’s Why

Monday, April 8th, 2024
Air conditioners in Bucks and Montgomery Counties are working hard this time of year!

As winter starts to fade away and the temperatures begin to rise, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement of spring. However, before you fully embrace the warmer weather, there’s an essential task you should not overlook and that’s scheduling air conditioning maintenance in Yakima, WA. While it might seem premature to think about your AC system while you are still wearing sweaters, taking care of it now can save you from sweating later.

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How Does a Heat Pump Change Between Heating and Cooling Mode?

Monday, March 25th, 2024

Heat pumps are versatile HVAC systems that can both heat and cool spaces efficiently. But have you ever wondered how they seamlessly switch between heating and cooling modes? Understanding the mechanism behind this transition can provide insight into the functioning of these devices.

ThermAll Heating, Cooling & Electric provides heat pump service in Yakima, WA, and is knowledgeable in the workings of heat pumps. In this article, we will delve into the inner workings of heat pumps and explore how they switch between heating and cooling modes.

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Watch Out for the Ways a Malfunctioning Thermostat Can Affect Your HVAC System

Monday, February 12th, 2024

When you need to change the comfort levels in your home, what do you do? You go to the thermostat and make adjustments, either changing the programming or doing a temporary override. That’s just part of life in your home, something you take for granted like turning on light switches and using appliances like the dishwasher.

The thermostat, however, is a complex device. Because it’s connected to the HVAC system that controls your home comfort, any malfunction can lead to unusual heating and cooling behavior. You may not immediately know that the thermostat is the culprit, which is why it’s always best to call for professional HVAC repair in Yakima, WA from our team. We can track down the problem, and if it’s a thermostat issue, we know what to do to fix it.

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