ThermAll Heating, Cooling & Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Repair’

Never Ignore Furnace Problems, No Matter the Time of Year

Monday, February 27th, 2023

We’re now in late winter, and spring officially starts in less than a month. This doesn’t mean the immediate end of cold weather. March is notoriously unpredictable and April is often filled with cold and rainy days. Still, warmer weather is on the way as the winter wraps up, and this is a good time to remind you of the importance of keeping your furnace in good repair, no matter the season.

If you run into problems with your furnace that don’t seem too bad (such as strange noises and uneven heating), you may feel tempted to just “ride out” the rest of the cold weather and worry about getting the trouble fixed later. We understand this temptation, but please don’t give in to it. When your furnace needs professional repairs, have them taken care of as soon as possible. We’ll explain why below.

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I See Smoke Coming From My Heat Pump! What’s Wrong?

Monday, February 13th, 2023

First, take a deep breath. Your heat pump is almost certainly not on fire. In fact, it’s probably working just the way it’s supposed to.

If this is the first winter you’ve used a heat pump to provide comfort to your home, then we’re not surprised that you might find this sight alarming. A heat pump works similarly to an air conditioner, and if you see smoke coming off your air conditioning system’s outdoor unit, that’s a big problem, likely some kind of electrical fire. This is extremely rare, but not impossible.

However, that “smoke” you see rising from your heat pump isn’t smoke at all, as we’ll explain.

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What to Do If Your Heating System Stops Working

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Brrr! The cold winter weather has definitely arrived! This is when you’ll need to depend heavily on your home heating system to keep your family safe and warm. 

What happens if your heating system suddenly stops working? This can be a scary event—understandably scary—but we’re here to help you. We have great technicians who’ll quickly solve your home heating troubles and see that your house is warm once again.

However, before you call us for heating repair in Yakima, WA, there are some steps you can take that might restore your comfort. We don’t recommend you ever attempt to repair your heater on your own, but you can go through some troubleshooting steps.

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Why Won’t My Gas Furnace Stay On?

Monday, December 5th, 2022

A gas furnace that won’t keep running long enough to warm up your house and keep it warm isn’t of much use to you. If you start running into the problem of a furnace shutting off early, either after several minutes or less than a minute, you’ll want to know why and what you can do to fix it.

In some cases, a gas furnace shutting off early is because of a simple problem you can correct yourself. In other situations, you’ll need professional furnace repair in Yakima, WA. Below we’ll look at some of the common reasons for this furnace malfunction.

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When Are Heating Repairs No Longer Worth It?

Monday, February 28th, 2022

In our previous post, we looked at the warning signs you have a heating system that needs professional repairs. We always encourage our customers to move fast when it comes to arranging for any heating repair in Yakima, WA. The sooner you have the problem fixed, the easier and less expensive it will be, and the less money you’ll waste on running a malfunctioning heater. You’ll keep the heater operating safely as well.

But heating systems have limits, as do repairs. A heater will age to a point where continuing to repair it is throwing away money. How can you know that your heating system has reached the end of the line where a replacement is more cost-effective? We can help you find out. Below are some of the signs that it’s time to stop repairing and retire your heating system for a new one.

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Top 5 Warning Signs Your Heater Needs Repairs

Monday, February 14th, 2022

Your heating system has already put in plenty of work so far this winter, and we hope that it will continue to serve you until the warm spring weather finally settles in. But if your heater starts to experience problems, you’ll want to know as soon as possible so you can call our professional technicians to come to repair it. The sooner you move on fixing a heating system problem, the easier it will be to repair and the fewer additional problems it’s likely to cause.

Heating malfunctions can sometimes be sneaky. You may not immediately notice the trouble. We’ve put together a list of the five most common warning signs from a heater that will tell you it’s time to call “Your Home Comfort Hero,” ThermAll.

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