ThermAll Heating, Cooling & Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Ellensburg’

The Secrets of High-Efficiency Furnaces

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

The energy efficiency of natural gas furnaces continues to improve as technology advances. Once, standard furnaces had an AFUE rating of 70, which means the furnace would convert 70% of its fuel source (natural gas) into direct heat, losing 30% to exhaust. Today, many standard furnaces have 85 AFUE, and special high-efficiency furnaces can score in the high 90s. That’s an enormous change in efficiency that can mean significant savings for a household over the winter.

If you’re considering a new furnace installation in Ellensburg, WA or elsewhere in our service area, we recommend you look into high-efficiency furnace models. They cost more than mid-efficiency furnaces, but the long-term savings will help these furnaces pay for themselves in a few years. 

If you’re curious about what allows high-efficiency furnaces to use so much less power to do the same job, follow us below.

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Do You Need an Air Purifier for Your Home?

Monday, September 25th, 2023

The indoor air quality (IAQ) of both residential and commercial buildings can be shockingly low. In fact, the US EPA estimates that indoor air quality can be three to four times worse than outdoor air quality, which is the exact opposite of the way people usually think it is!

If you’re worried about the air quality in your home, you may want to look into professional IAQ services. One of the most common IAQ devices for homes are air purifiers. Will your home benefit from an air purifier? We offer air purifier services in Ellensburg, WA and the surrounding areas, and we can provide you with some insight into this question.

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Ways You Can Use Ductless Mini Splits in Your Home

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Ductless mini splits have made major inroads into home in the US over the past decade. Originally designed to meet the needs of small Japanese homes, the ductless mini split (a.k.a. ductless mini split heat pump) has spread globally to address many different comfort needs.

Not everyone knows how flexible ductless systems are. They don’t just have a single use; they offer a range of benefits that will help out in different situations for homeowners. You may not realize the ways that installing ductless mini splits can help your home. We’d like to change that in this post! Below are several of the ways you can use ductless heating and cooling to your advantage.

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Surge Protection: It Doesn’t Work the Way Many People Think It Does

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Surge protection. What does that mean to you? Don’t worry, there isn’t a wrong answer to this. What you’re thinking of almost certainly counts as surge protection. But that isn’t the whole story.

Okay, did you think of a power strip that you plug into an outlet and which you can then plug various appliances into? That’s what most people think of as home surge protection. These power strips do offer a level of defense against a sudden increase in voltage, since they have a built-in circuit breaker that will trip if too much power runs through it. 

We absolutely recommend you use power strips for sensitive equipment like computers, monitors, sound systems, etc. Power strips not only offer protection to the equipment, they allow you to safely plug in a lot more devices into a wall socket.

However, there’s more to surge protection, and we want to talk more about it as well as why we recommend installing a whole-house surge protector in Ellensburg, WA.

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Some of the Best Benefits of Heat Pumps

Monday, July 17th, 2023

We’re big proponents of heat pumps, and we’re definitely not alone. The last few years have seen a big push for heat pumps as an alternative to the standard combination of air conditioners and furnaces (either gas or electric), and more and more homes are discovering the numerous benefits of making this change.

If you’re considering a heat pump installation in Ellensburg, WA or elsewhere in our service area, we want to encourage you. Below are some of the best advantages of making the switch to a heat pump for your home comfort.

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Should You Upgrade Your Home’s Electrical Panel?

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Think of the electrical panel in your home as a “central switching station” for all the electricity flowing through the wires in your house. The current from the grid enters the panel, where it divides into the different circuits that spread to outlets, light fixtures, and hardwired appliances. This panel needs to be in top shape and up-to-date to handle a home’s electrical load or else it will result in electrical problems and possibly safety hazards.

Is your house due for an electrical panel upgrade in Ellensburg, WA? It’s a good question, and we’ll explore it more below.

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How Can I Tell If My Home Needs Duct Cleaning?

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Homeowners often forget about duct cleaning or else think it’s not necessary. Unfortunately, there are some shady companies that hawk “duct cleaning services” that don’t do much of anything at all except a shallow vacuuming of several ducts. This nearly useless type of duct cleaning has soured some people on the idea of the service.

However, duct cleaning professionals with the right equipment who take the time to do a thorough job can make a major difference for a home. A complete cleaning with a pressurized power vacuum and rotary brushes returns ducts to a “like new” condition that reduces resistance on the HVAC system and lowers the amount of dust and other debris that gets blown around the air. (Consider that the average 6-person home circulates 40 pounds of dust a year and you’ll understand what duct cleaning can really do.)

But do you need duct cleaning now? How can you tell? Let’s take a look at whether it’s time to call us to schedule an appointment for duct cleaning in Ellensburg, WA.

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Is Replacing Your AC With a Heat Pump a Good Idea?

Monday, March 27th, 2023

The simple answer to this question is a noncommittal: “It depends.” That’s often the answer when it comes to major decisions about replacing HVAC units.

Every home is different, every household different, and what works well in one situation may be inappropriate and wasteful in another.

As local HVAC experts who often work with HVAC replacement in Ellensburg, WA and the surrounding areas, we can provide you with information that will help you think about whether replacing your current AC with a heat pump is a wise choice.

If you want solid answers, you can get in touch with our team. We’ll consult with you based on your specific needs and budget to find the ideal outcome.

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Never Ignore Furnace Problems, No Matter the Time of Year

Monday, February 27th, 2023

We’re now in late winter, and spring officially starts in less than a month. This doesn’t mean the immediate end of cold weather. March is notoriously unpredictable and April is often filled with cold and rainy days. Still, warmer weather is on the way as the winter wraps up, and this is a good time to remind you of the importance of keeping your furnace in good repair, no matter the season.

If you run into problems with your furnace that don’t seem too bad (such as strange noises and uneven heating), you may feel tempted to just “ride out” the rest of the cold weather and worry about getting the trouble fixed later. We understand this temptation, but please don’t give in to it. When your furnace needs professional repairs, have them taken care of as soon as possible. We’ll explain why below.

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How to Tell You Need to Replace Your Furnace

Monday, January 30th, 2023

The furnace is the true workhorse of heating across North America: gas furnaces and electric furnaces are the heating systems most commonly found in residential buildings, and that isn’t likely to change soon, even with the growing popularity of heat pumps. 

Because furnaces are so common, it’s easy for people to think that the furnace in their home will just keep running forever. Of course, no furnace is immortal, and it’s important to know when you need to replace yours.

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