ThermAll Heating, Cooling & Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Electrical Repairs’

Does Your EV Charger Need Repairs? We Can Help!

Monday, February 10th, 2025

It’s great to have a convenient EV charger at your home – until something happens and it stops working. If your EV charger is not turning on to charge your vehicle or seems to be malfunctioning, give us a call to schedule an EV charger repair in Ellensburg, WA.

You can also keep reading to learn about some of the early signs that your EV charger may be struggling, as well as what to do if it stops working completely. Even if everything is okay now, knowing these signs will help you if something does go wrong with your EV charger in the future. 

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4 Signs You Need an Electrical Upgrade

Monday, December 16th, 2024

If you have an older home, an electrical upgrade may be in your near future. The older your home is, the more likely it is that you need a new electrical panel. This is because older homes are simply not equipped to meet the demands of modern technology.

With more things to plug in, you need an electrical panel that offers both functionality and safety as top priorities. You can keep reading to learn more about electrical repairs in Yakima and when you might need a whole new electrical system. Then give our team a call to schedule a service appointment for your in-home assessment to determine exactly what needs to be done.

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Whole-House Surge Protectors: Why You Need One

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Surge protectors are designed to protect your home against sudden power surges that could damage electronics and appliances. Power surges even leave you at risk for electrical fires. While you can invest in surge protectors for individual outlets, it’s better to have a whole-house solution in place.

You can keep reading to learn more about how a whole-house surge protector is better than smaller individual protectors. Then give our team a call when you’re ready to schedule an installation for a whole-home surge protector in Yakima, WA.

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Don’t Make These Mistakes When Hiring an Electrician for Repairs

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

If you need to have electrical repairs done in your home, the first step is to look for a professional electrician. But hiring a professional electrician isn’t as simple as an online search where you pick the first name that pops up. You need to know how to navigate hiring an electrician so you don’t make several common mistakes that can lead to costly problems later or even safety risks. 

Below, we’ll go over the errors you want to avoid when you’re looking for professional electrical repairs in Yakima, WA.

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